Top 10 Study Websites

Many might think that the internet isn’t conducive to studying–that it’s all cat videos and social networking–but there are thousands of websites out there designed specifically for learning new skills, managing everyday life, and even helping students study for exams.
Here we’ll shine the spotlight on 10 websites dedicated to being a your new best study-buddy. Whether it’s time management, digital flashcards, self-made quizzes, study games, or other educational tools, these sites and apps can help students of any age get ready for upcoming tests, all for the low, low price of absolutely free.

1. GoConqr
Flickr user UTC Library
Visual learners, rejoice. What makes this site unique are the mind maps, a web of information that breaks down broad subjects into smaller topics. When a you create a map, it allows you to see how things are connected — this helps with both memorization and understanding.
The site also has numerous other helpful features like flashcards, a note taking platform, self-created quizzes, study planner, a collaboration tool, and a way to track how much you’re learning. This versatile tool is also available across multiple platforms for studying on the go.

2. Quizlet
Flickr user Official GDC
With this site, you provide the information and Quizlet provides the study tools. Users can create “sets” in any subject under the sun, and based off the set the website will generate flashcards, quizzes, practice tests, matching games, and even auditory tools. Quizlet also has a free app for learning on the go, and studying even offline.
The two games, Scatter and Space Race, allow you to learn the material and have fun doing it. In Scatter, users drag definitions or information to their related counterpart as quickly as they can, clearing the screen. In Space Race, definitions scroll across the screen and you type in the correct word or phrase associated with it before the definition reaches the end of the screen. With leaderboards and high-scores, you can compete to get the best times, adding the motivation of competition to your studying.

3. Evernote
Flickr user
Studying can sometimes cover several different platforms, but with Evernote all of your notes, information, and research can be collaborated together in one place. An invaluable organizational tool, this site can sync your info across computers and phones, share with other users, gather web-clips, and create all from one central platform.
Evernote can be used in a multitude of ways: keeping research paper information in order, organizing presentation notes, creating study guides off of in-class note taking, not to mention everyday non-school related tasks, too.

4. StudyBlue
Flickr user
Collaboration is the name of the game for this website. StudyBlue connects students through similar learning goals and subjects, allowing them to share and access flashcards, study guides, and more. StudyBlue can even connect students in specific classes, letting them message each other and collaborate on projects.
The site also has a diverse content library, multiple study modes, class-based study guides, storage for all your notes, and a real-time self-assessing score that tracks your progress on a subject. And with free mobile apps, StudyBlue can be taken on the go.

5. Marinara Timer
Flickr user Michael Mayer
Despite making you hungry for some spaghetti, this site is dedicated to increasing productivity. Inspired by the Pomodoro method of productivity — working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5 minute break) — Marinara Timer allows you to customize your own personal timer (complete with entertaining alarm sounds like “alien bot ordering lunch” or “echoing into space”) to study effectively.
Taking a small break while studying increases attention span, focus, and productivity. This site can help you reward yourself for your hard work by letting you know it’s time to sit back scroll through your Twitter feed or watch a few funny videos, and then letting you know when it’s time to get back to work.

6. StudyStack
Flickr user
Studying with flashcards has never been so easy. StudyStack allows users to create flashcard sets and use what others have already made. When a card is flipped, you can choose whether you got it right or wrong. Wrong cards will be repeated until you’ve learned it, making it a great tool for memorization.
Once created, the site can turn the information into a number of tools and games perfect for studying. You can play hangman, unscramble, or a matching game before taking quizzes and practices tests.

Flickr user Hillary
As its name suggests, this site is perfect for learning terms and definitions. Users can post articles, images, diagrams, and more to share general information on any number of topics. also encourages collaboration, working together to create the best learning tools for studying.
When you find a set you want to study, it’s offered in three different formats of varying difficulty — multiple choice, matching, and finally the ever-popular flashcard. This engaging site can even award badges for completed sets. The site may not have been updated in a while, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of it.

8. clusterFlunk
Combine social media and studying and you’ve got clusterFlunk. This site connects you to other students who are studying similar material, have the same professor, or maybe in your class. You can ask questions about the format of the test and receive answers from previous students, ask for suggestions on paper topics, or even ask people to proofread essays. Whatever you need help with, fellow students are there to collaborate and help you out.
With the ability to upload class notes, study guides, slide reviews, and other forms of test prep, clusterFlunk is a great way for students to get connected with each other and trade study materials.

9. Study Guides and Strategies
Flickr user Nicole Abalde
If you want to learn how to learn, this site is for you. It has numerous articles on all sorts of learning styles –classroom learning, group learning, self-studying, etc.– as well as tips on how to write papers, how to manage your time, how to do presentations, solve problems, prep for and take tests, how to read critically, do effective research, and is available in about 40 different languages.
Study Guides and Strategies is a site chock full of in-depth looks at learning for a diverse variety of students. Whether you want to learn how to properly cite a paper or get over test anxiety, learn how to solve linear equations or how to navigate lab reports, this site can offer all that and much, much more. It might be an old site, but the information there is priceless.

10. Schooltraq 
Flickr user Sean
When you keep track of assignments, tests, and events, planning time to study becomes a lot easier. Schooltraq is an online digital planner that keeps due dates in check. An alternative to the traditional paper agenda, this site ensures you never lose your schedule as it syncs up between your phone and computer.
The design is sleek and simple, allowing for clarity and low stress. When your ducks are all in a row, school life becomes more manageable. This site can go beyond helping you study for your next test since you can use it for your personal life as well.

Many of the sites on this list have upgraded packages or “pro” accounts for some cost, but every single one has free tools ideal for any student. Give them a try and see which ones help you out the most.
Happy studying!


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