Top 10 Hindu's Guru

Masters come way before God as it is the master that leads us to God. India is a land where spirituality has always been to its boom. There are many spiritual and religious gurus in India, who help the people on the path of meditation and inner peace. Through these gurus people from all over the world connect with the supreme power leading to a healthier and a happier life. Below is a list of  top 10 Indian spiritualists who have contributed in the well-being of people and society as a whole in one or the other way. All these gurus have an immensely large number of devotees who treat them as supreme beings or as the messengers of God. Scroll down to have a look.
10. Swami Vivekananda:
Way back in 1863, a saint was born and named Vivekananda. With his guru Ramakrishna’s guidance, Vivekananda went on a journey to find the truth about God. An advocate of  Vedanta, he told people that the best way to serve God was through serving mankind. Vivekananda made Hinduism a world religion by introducing it in the Parliament of World Religions at Chicago.

9. Swami Rama:
Swami Rama was the first person to introduce yoga to the popular culture. He studied at Menninger clinic in USA and was able to control his heartbeat, body temperature and blood pressure. He opened the Himalayan Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy, which helped people to stay fit and meditate for inner peace.

8. Osho:
‘One man’s terrorist is another man’s god’, a saying that goes with the spiritual guru Osho very well. He was outspoken about his ideas relating to socialism and many other things, which made him one of the most controversial gurus. With a large number of devotees from all over the world, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh before he became popular as Osho is still very popular among devotees.

7. Jiddu Krishnamurti:
Theosophists had predicted that Jiddu Krishnamurti, a young lad from India was going to be a world teacher. Therefore, he along with his brother was adopted by the president of the Theosophical Society. He was made top boss of the Order of the East, a new organization. To everyone’s surprise, Jiddu went on to renounce his role as the head of this organization, traveled all over the world for many decades at a stretch, wrote a multitude of books and delivered countless talks. He did not talk about complex religious principles, rituals or hypothetical philosophies. One of the greatest Indian spiritualists, Jiddu Krishnamurti just exposed the complexities that already exist in our day to day lives and are yet invisible to us because we do not understand the working of the mind and most importantly, the magic of silence.

6. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is one of the most popular spiritual gurus of all time. Founder of the course, ‘The Art of Living’, Ravi Shankar has followers from all over the world. Through this course he teaches people about being satisfied and to look upto god for everything. He has touched and changed many lives for the good. His contribution and impact has made him the 5th most powerful leader in India.

5. Baba Ramdev:

Baba Ramdev has had a meteoric rise as a guru with much influence across India in recent year. He rose to fame with millions of followers all over the world in the last few years. Born in a poor farmer’s family, Ramdev is known for his yoga asanas. He has inspired many people around the world to opt yoga for a healthier living.

4. Dadi Janki:
Brahma Kumari is a spiritual university that teaches Raja Yoga. This is a new religious movement in India and is female centric. Current leader of the movement, Dadi Janki, says that Shiva is the lord of humanity and to speak to the supreme power we need to connect our souls with him.

3. Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa:
One of the most famous devotees of the Goddess Kali since time immemorial, Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa was the force behind Swami Vivekananda’s spiritual ascension. He was known for its frequent Samadhis (The highest state of consciousness). Born as Gadadhar, he grew up to become Sri Ramakrishna, a saint who’d be worshiped and followed for centuries to come. Romain Rolland, a French mystic, novelist, historian and Nobel Prize winner had this to say about Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa: “the perfection of two thousand years of the spiritual life of three hundred million people.”

2. Mata Amritanandamayi:
Mata Amritanandamayi is known as the ‘hugging amma’ of Kerala. She is believed to have more than a million followers. Mata Amritanandamayi is also known as the richest god woman in the country. She has opened up many schools and hospitals for the betterment of people in Kochi, Kollam, Mysore, Bangalore and Coimbatore. She preaches spirituality and the path to inner peace.

1. Sathya Sai Baba:

Known as a reincarnation of Sai Baba of Shiridi, Sathya Sai Baba was very popular among millions of his devotees. According to him the best way to reach out to the supreme power was by serving the mankind. He was also known for miraculously materializing things like flowers, rings and Prasad from the air. He still has a large number of followers in countries all over the world.


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